In today’s post I wanted to give you advise how to spot a fake Michael Kors Hamilton bag. Differences between real and fake bag are very small, so you have to be really careful with all the details.
The first thing you should pay attention to – the color of the paper label. It should be in light beige (as pictured below). Tags colored lime, yellow, or brown – for sure that bag is fake.
In addition to each original bag there is a “care card” attached. This is simply a short instruction on how to take care of your handbag. Here are the pictures of card delivered with the original purse.
The easiest way to identify the originality of the bag is to check the gold metal part on the wholes for the horizontal bar. In the original single-color leather bags this element simply does not occur. Look at the photo below (at the left original bag without metal frames, at the right side red fake bag with metal part on the wholes of the bar).
Round studs, which are located to strengthen the small hands of the bag. The line on the stud should be sloping from the left to the right, it couldn’t be horizontal. (on the left original bag, on the right counterfeit).
Padlock should have shiny letters MK, while the background behind them should be like hazy. I think photos below clearly show what I mean (at the left original bag, at the right side fake).
If the bag has a padlock, of course it should also have a key. You can hide the key in the small leather pochette. It should be labeled Michael Kors and it should be in the shape of a trapezoid, not a hexagon (left original, right fake).
The four “feet” to protect from damage the leather at the bottom of the bag should have an inscription MICHAEL KORS (in capital letters).
The finishing of the pockets inside the bag and the bar where you can hang keys should be in identical color and material as the whole handbag (below photo of the original bag).
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