02 / 06 / 2015 No Comments


My big day is coming up fast. It is in just 10 days. But I have a secret weapon in the case of stressful situations. What always calms my nerves is making all kinds of checklists and plans. Therefore, I would not have been myself if I had not had the exact course of the wedding day prepared. I thought that such a to-do list might be also useful for you.Today I’m posting a non-personalized version, so that you can adjust it to your needs.

wedding day schedule

1. Schedule of the wedding day.

That is, to set the exact hours: a wake up, a hairdresser, a make-up, a meal, when to start dressing up, when the photographer is arriving, and when the fiancée, when it’s time for the blessing, and when you need to leave home and go to the church, when the wedding reception begins and when it ends. Where will all the bride’s and groom’s preparations take place and where will the blessing take place?

2. Wedding day logistics.

Who’s driving who and where? Set the time of picking your groom by the driver (you also have to think about, for example, the delivery of alcohol to the restaurant).

3. Blessing.

Preparation of the place and all the things needed for the blessing (cross, holy water, image of the holy family), who will bless, who will be present and how it will go.

4. Entering and leaving the church.

Is the couple entering together or the bride is walked down the aisle by her father. Do newlyweds leave the church after all the guests or before. Will the newlyweds be showered after leaving the church and if so with what (money, rice, flowers, confetti tubes). You need to remember to buy it, ask the priest for permission and think who will clean after (if needed).

5. Wishes and gifts.

Place of accepting wishes and gifts (whether in the church or in the reception hall). Prepare the box for the envelopes, boxes for bigger gifts and choosing a person who will be responsible for it.

6. Entering the reception hall.

Welcome with bread and salt. Determine who will greet and whether the glasses are to be with vodka or maybe water …;) Is the welcome champagne included in the price or do you need to buy it.

7. First dance.

Choice song and kind of dance. Determine with your closest friends whether they are going to join at some point (and then the rest of the guests will follow them) or watch till the end of the song. Determine with the band or dj whether they are prepared to play the selected song.

8. Throwing

At what time, what and in what form will the bride and groom throw (for example bouquet, bowtie).

9. Thanks to parents.

Determine whether you will thank your parents during the wedding, or for example, some other day, at what time and in what form. Purchase gifts / flowers and find out where they will be kept and who will bring them. Determine with the band / dj what song is to be played at that moment.

All my articles related to wedding can be found in the bookmark labelled Wedding. :)

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